Thread: Wild, wild meat
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Rodney Myrvaagnes
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Default Wild, wild meat

On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 16:29:24 +0100, MEow >

>While frolicking around in, Rodney Myrvaagnes of Global
>Network Services - Remote Access Mail & News Services said:
>>>The package contains uniform, square, thin slices, which consist of 90%
>>>meat. The package, of 240 g (about half a pound) is sliced into 6 or 7

>>What is the other 10%? I take it this is an industrial product? We get
>>venison from a game farm, but it looks like recognizable parts of an
>>animal, except for sausages.

>The other 10% seems to be sal****er, and yes - it is an industrial
>product. It's what I can get around here.
>>You could make a sort of Bolognese for some pasta, using oinion,
>>tomatoes, garlic, and maybe an herb that would go well with the
>>venison flavor, like perhaps sage or thyme.

>Can you suggest a good recipe? I found so many recipes when googling
>that I had no chance of deciding which would be best for the kind of
>meat I've described.

Sorry, I don't usually follow recipes. I did a "sort of Bolognese"
last night to try a sausage from a local pig farm that just started
coming to our greenmarket.

About an hour before my wife was due home I chopped an onion and
started it sauteing in very little olive oil. I let it go about 5
minutes and took the casing off one sausage, perhaps 120 g. I put the
sausage in the pan and crumbled it with a wooden paddle. I threw in a
couple of small bay leaves.

After it had started to render I turned up the heat to brown the meat.
When it had browned I threw in the remaining Italian canned tomatoes
from a can I had opened a couple of days before.

I broke up the tomatoes with the paddle and turned the heat low to
simmer for a while. I gave it two dashes of hot sauce, not enough to
make it burn but just to add a little depth. I also put in sprigs of
rosemary and thyme.

I heated salted water so I could finish the pasta soon after my wife
would arrive. About 6 minutes before the end I put in 3 cloves of
minced garlic. In Sweden you might not want that much. :-)

When it was nearly done I retrieved the thyme, rosemary, and bay
leaves. put the pasta into the pan with the sauce, stirred it around
coat it and served on warm plates.

This is not very scientific. For instance, I thought the container of
tomatoes was enough so I didn't open another can. Thyme and rosemary
was there. The sausage was a whole sausage at random from a package of
four that weren't all the same size.

>>Since it is already in thin slices, you might consider a layered
>>casserole with layers of potato, leeks, and whatever other vegetable
>>is handy, between the meat slices.. Maybe some grated cheese on top to
>>make a nice crust.

>Now *that* could be very interesting. Any idea of approximate
>baking-time and temperature?

I did something like that with bacon a couple of weeks ago. I think I
gave it an hour at 400 degrees F (200C). Poke with a wire skewer to
see if the potatoes are done.

Very approximate.

Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC J36 Gjo/a

"Biologists think they are chemists, chemists think they are phycisists,
physicists think they are gods, and God thinks He is a mathematician." Anon