oh also, once David and I were in chinatown in chicago and we stopped for a
late lunch, it was probably after two. The restaurant we chose had hours
posted and they were definitely open (lots of places closed between lunch and
We went in and at first we were unsure if they wanted us there but they
brought menus and water so we ordered. David ordered the watercress and bean
curd. The first thing they brought him was some sort of steamed iceberg
lettuce with sauce. He explained that this was not what he orderd and tried to
The next thing she brought him was a plate of sauteed watercress with garlic.
No sauce, no bean curd. we decided to just let it go and he had some of my
food. As he was eating he found the rubber band that held the bunch of
watercress together. They hadn't even bothered to unbind it before cooking.
They spent the entire meal glaring at us from their table as they were trying
to eat.
I felt bad that we had messed up their schedule but I figure they got their
revenge in their surly attitudes and all was even in the world.