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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Posts: n/a
Default On-line Chat with HeartDoc (12/08/05)

"Bob (this one)" wrote:
> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > "Bob (this one)" wrote:
> >
> >> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>
> >>> Don Kirkman wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>> But: Watch what you eat today!
> >>>>
> >>>>> Wiser to watch how much you are eating.
> >>>>
> >>>>>> Start with the salad !
> >>>>
> >>>>> Cows eat only salad and grow to be several hundred of pounds.
> >>>>>
> >>
> >> <LOL> Hilarious.

> >
> > And so you despair.

> Poor Chung wants so desperately that communicating in writing that which
> has actually happened - derisive laughter - is somehow a sign of
> despair. His Truth Discernment Ray Gun is just steaming from all that
> overtime work of creating his rosy "truth" from the shards of his failed
> understanding. Guy can't actually figure out all that much about how the
> world works, so he claims these supernatural powers and whatever
> dementia strikes him is magically transformed into a divine revelation.
> <LOL>

Your despair runs deep.

> >> Elephants grow larger still. But those creatures eat pounds and
> >> pounds of plant material and convert it very inefficiently to
> >> flesh. They spend virtually all their waking time eating.

> >
> > As do you apparently :-)

> Moron.

Ouch. You may have at the other cheek.

> Conclusion not based on any facts you can possibly have. Merely
> another swipe for its own sake.

"Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning and even among fools she
lets herself be known."

> >> They produce nearly as much pure shit as Chung's postings. But
> >> theirs at least has a useful purpose.

> >
> > In your opinion.

> Jayzus, could you post the obvious more often, please?

Exodus 20:7

> Maybe you could
> identify all my opinions as, well, my opinions. And maybe you could
> explain your opinions as, well, your opinions.

"A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of
understanding is even-tempered."

> >> What a profoundly absurd analogy - "cows eat salad..."

> >
> > It serves well the purpose of illustrating the absurdity of folks
> > trying to lose weight by watching **what** they are eating.

> It serves well to demonstrate how absolutely dismissable your
> ill-conceived, erroneously explained and insanely defended diet is.

The 2PD-OMER Approach is not a diet.

> Of
> all the authoritative sources on earth that talk about dieting for
> weight loss and control, not one endorses the notion of merely limiting
> quantity. Not one. None.

Among those who are not limiting quantity, none are successful at
achieving permanent weight loss.

> Only crank Chung does.

.... along with more than 625,550 others over more than 5 years.

> >>>> Cows don't eat salad at all; they eat grasses (pasture grasses,
> >>>> various types of hay), legumes (particularly alfalfa), and
> >>>> cereals, (particularly barley).
> >>>
> >>> You just described salad :-)
> >>
> >> Sure. Everybody puts hay and pasture grasses in their salads. Lots
> >> of alfalfa. And don't forget barley. Many salads contain...

> >
> > ... raw green plant matter that is very similar to what a cow
> > normally subsists on and indeed could eat if were readily available.
> >

> Right.


> But humans couldn't.

Plenty of humans are subsisting on just salads.

> And that was the point. The fact of a
> drastically different digestive system and nutritional requirements seem
> to have escaped your close-minded notice.

Actually, more similar than different.

> Parallels between other living
> creatures and humans regarding diet are too weak to survive scrutiny.

Actually, the parallels are strong enough to validate the application of
animals studies to humans.

> No
> other organisms create foods from other raw materials as we do, cook
> them, or ritualize the eating of them.

Actually, plants are better at creating foods from the rawest of
materials than we are.

> >> Moronic game-player.

> >
> > Ouch. You may have at the other cheek.

> The truth hurts, huh, faker-Chung?

"The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool
gushes folly."

> > Would be more than happy to "glow" and chat about this and other
> > things like cardiology, diabetes and nutrition that interest those
> > following this thread here during the next on-line chat (12/08/05):
> >
> >
> I see you still have those falsely labelled archived Usenet posts as
> chat samples.

False witness.

> Why must you be so deceptive?

It remains my choice to continue to write truthfully.

> Why can't you just label
> them truthfully?

Actually, I have not labelled achived USENET posts as chat samples.

> It's a determinedly sad thing when the liars can't even see that they're
> lying. When they try to justify it by spinning circuitous justifications
> for their deceits. Sad...
> Like Chung is sad...

"The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways, and the good man
rewarded for his."

Would be more than happy to "glow" and chat about this and other things
like cardiology, diabetes and nutrition that interest those following
this thread here during the next on-line chat (12/08/05):

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:

In Christ's love always,
