On-line Chat with HeartDoc (12/08/05)
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD schrieb:
> "Bob (this one)" wrote:
>>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>>>"Bob (this one)" wrote:
>>>>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>>>>What a profoundly absurd analogy - "cows eat salad..."
>>>It serves well the purpose of illustrating the absurdity of folks
>>>trying to lose weight by watching **what** they are eating.
>>It serves well to demonstrate how absolutely dismissable your
>>ill-conceived, erroneously explained and insanely defended diet is.
> The 2PD-OMER Approach is not a diet.
>>all the authoritative sources on earth that talk about dieting for
>>weight loss and control, not one endorses the notion of merely limiting
>>quantity. Not one. None.
> Among those who are not limiting quantity, none are successful at
> achieving permanent weight loss.
This must be true, because no person can possibly eat unlimited aomunts
of anything.
>>Only crank Chung does.
> ... along with more than 625,550 others over more than 5 years.
I have read that many of those poor people experienced severe side
effects like hearing voices demanding violent deeds. Many ended up
killing their brothers and friends. (Exodus 32)
Seems like this "approach" is impairing mental health.
>>>>>>Cows don't eat salad at all; they eat grasses (pasture grasses,
>>>>>>various types of hay), legumes (particularly alfalfa), and
>>>>>>cereals, (particularly barley).
>>>>>You just described salad :-)
>>>>Sure. Everybody puts hay and pasture grasses in their salads. Lots
>>>>of alfalfa. And don't forget barley. Many salads contain...
>>>... raw green plant matter that is very similar to what a cow
>>>normally subsists on and indeed could eat if were readily available.
Cows don't subsist on salad. While they can eat it, I doubt it would
very healthy because salad is quite different from grass. I suspect
severe digestive problems for cows trying to subsist on salad.
> Yes.
>>But humans couldn't.
> Plenty of humans are subsisting on just salads.
No, they don't. Even vegans eat more than just salads.
>>And that was the point. The fact of a
>>drastically different digestive system and nutritional requirements seem
>>to have escaped your close-minded notice.
> Actually, more similar than different.
Similar if you compare it to the digestive system of a sponge. But as
far as mammals go, the digestive systems of humans and cows couldn't be
much more different than they are.
>>Parallels between other living
>>creatures and humans regarding diet are too weak to survive scrutiny.
> Actually, the parallels are strong enough to validate the application of
> animals studies to humans.
Then you should take notice of the studies showing that fructose (part
of table sugar) causes insulin resistance and diabetes in rats. And rats
are a much better model of humans than cows are when it comes to
nutrition, because like humans they are omnivores. Seems like it is
quite important what one eats, after all.