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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Posts: n/a
Default On-line Chat with HeartDoc (12/08/05)

The LORD continues to guide me in all that I say, do, or write. Sorry His
guidance bothers you, dear neighbor.

Would be more than happy to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes and nutrition that interest those following this thread
here during the next on-line chat (12/08/05):

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how the
LORD has reshaped me:

In Christ's love always,


"Blash" > wrote in message
> in article , Bob (this one) at
wrote on 11/26/05 10:45 AM:
>> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>>> Thorsten Schier wrote:
>>>> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD schrieb:
>>>>> "Bob (this one)" wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>>>> Parallels between other living
>>>>>> creatures and humans regarding diet are too weak to survive scrutiny.
>>>>>>> Actually, the parallels are strong enough to validate the
>>>>>>> application of
>>>>>>> animals studies to humans.
>>>> Then you should take notice of the studies showing that fructose (part
>>>> of table sugar) causes insulin resistance and diabetes in rats. And
>>>> rats
>>>> are a much better model of humans than cows are when it comes to
>>>> nutrition, because like humans they are omnivores. Seems like it is
>>>> quite important what one eats, after all.
>>> "A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool's eyes wander to the
>>> ends of the earth."

>> <LOL> How utterly clownish has Chung become. His new ploy when
>> overwhelmed with fact, science and logic is to offer a smug little non
>> sequitur delicately enclosed in quotation marks.
>> Poor fool he.
>> Pastorio

> Why does anybody waste their time on him???
> Does anybody really care what an "omer" is???
> Does anybody really care where this fictitious restaurant is???
> Look up the definition of a TROLL......
> He has succeeded in getting lots of people to reply to his OT
> rantings.....
> He has shown himself to be a master at tap-dancing around questions......
> Right now, he's probably sitting in a corner somewhere giggling to himself
> because he won.....all these groups that he cross-posts to, lost......