"AlleyGator" > wrote
> " > wrote:
>>It's difficult. It's possible to train cats to walk on leash. I've
>>tried. The cat walks. The cat sits. I stand there. She refuses to walk
>>in a straight line and makes me nuts. She rarely walks in a straight
>>line unless it to the food
cooked or uncooked mice, just kidding.
>>She catches her own but she is a raw foodie in that regard.
Heh, I had a Siamese cat who would go for walks with me, but
not on a leash. Tried it (a halter type) ... she'd go into her I'M
PARALIZED routine and sit there like a rock. I'd take her to the
park, she'd just stay close on the trail, no problem.
> Well, let me tell ya - I was no more thrilled at the prospect of a
> ferret than I was at getting a third dog. Now, you'd have to kill me
> to get at either one of them. Maybe I should work in a zoo . . . . .
Ferrets are awfully cute, a bit of a handful I bet, but adorable and
funny. What the heck. That was funny about the boxer. I happen
to have a soft spot for boxers, too.