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Default What have been your funniest or worst restaurant experiences so far?

On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 18:53:13 -0600, notbob > wrote:

>On 2005-11-26, TammyM > wrote:
>> I remember that -- horrible incident. Are you a Sacramento native,
>> NB?

>No. I lived there back in the 60's when Rancho Cordova was a new
>suburb and later downtown and the North Area after I got out of the
>service. I've lived in the SFBA since '75, but still had family in
>the Rocklin/Folsom area till just a couple years ago.
>> I'm in South Natomas and have been long before it was "elevated"
>> from Northgate to South Natomas <g>

>I had to look them both up. When I left, there wasn't much North and
>West of Del Paso Heights clear to the airport. Even the then new 80
>by-pass (I-880?) was out in the boonies. I had a friend who's family
>lived right below the levy just off the Garden Hwy about half a mile
>East of I5. I don't recall much North of that. Did W. El Camino
>even continue West beyond Northgate Blvd back in '73? I don't recall
>much of anything between Northgate Blvd and I5 back then except that
>levy road (Grdn Hwy).

There was very little on W. El Camino west of Northgate Blvd, just
houses at that time. The big S. Natomas build-up began in about '79
or '80, I think. Before that, Truxel Road was just one loooooooong
cornfield with a windmill house centered between W. El CAmino and San
Juan Road. On foggy nights, Truxel seems to go on forever! When I
was a kid, this entire area was surrounded by cornfields, rice
paddies, and other ag land. There's little ag land left now, just big
expensive houses in North Natomas. And this, historically, a flood
plain. If we have a winter like '86 or '96 ..... <shudder> Gotta
review my flood insurance.

Could you send me your email addy NB? I'd like to give you some info.
I'm tdmcniff at ucdavis dot edu
