Dear Jim,
Your interest in the straight and narrow path that I am walking on with
the LORD is appreciated. You are welcome to join in this walk anytime.
In the interim, you will be in my prayers, dear Jim whom I love, in
Jesus' most precious and holy name.
Would be more than happy to "glow" and chat about this and other things
like cardiology, diabetes and nutrition that interest those following
this thread here during the next on-line chat (12/08/05):
For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:
In Christ's love always,
Jim-Poncin wrote:
> Andrew, perhaps this article can help you onto the path of living in the
> real world...
> The Atlantic Monthly | December 2005
> Is God an Accident?
> Despite the vast number of religions, nearly everyone in the world believes
> in the same things: the existence of a soul, an afterlife, miracles, and the
> divine creation of the universe. Recently psychologists doing research on
> the minds of infants have discovered two related facts that may account for
> this phenomenon. One: human beings come into the world with a predisposition
> to believe in supernatural phenomena. And two: this predisposition is an
> incidental by-product of cognitive functioning gone awry. Which leads to the
> question ...
> by Paul Bloom
> I. God Is Not Dead
> When I was a teenager my rabbi believed that the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who was
> living in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, was the Messiah, and that the world was
> soon to end. He believed that the earth was a few thousand years old, and
> that the fossil record was a consequence of the Great Flood. He could
> describe the afterlife, and was able to answer adolescent questions about
> the fate of Hitler's soul.