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Dan Abel
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Default Kids and drinking

In article >, Gary > wrote:

> j*ni wrote:

> > and I didn't get to see a tumblin' tumbleweed. Maybe it was the
> > route we took (I-80, IIRC)...

> Be glad you don't have to deal with !@#$%^& tumble weeds! They are a real pain
> (literally)! I have to deal with them all the time, and I have learned to hate
> them.

I hear you! I feel the same way about snow. I have to laugh (or cringe)
when people talk about making a special trip just to see snow. I saw
enough snow in my first twenty years to last me the rest of my life. If I
never see snow again in person, I'll be perfectly happy. I live in sunny
California now, and it has snowed at my house exactly once in the 25 years
I've lived there.

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University