Born Novevemer 16, 2005- John
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Michael Plant
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What is REAL Puerh? was: Born Novevemer 16, 2005- John
> NeoCathay wrote:
>> There are about 568 different kinds of Green Tea in my record, and I
>> believe it is just a small portion of the real production, but Puer is
>> just a different story, as I said, only Menghai Cha Chang and Xiaguan
>> Cha Chang could produce Puer in real term. Also, one of my friend once
>> told me that even the Menghai Cha Chang only produce very little Sheng
>> pu that could last for a long time, they do produce a huge amount of
>> sheng pu, but most of the products for fresh-comsume only.
> This is the second time you have made this statement and I am very
> confused by it. I have many books in my collection that are published
> in China that document many famous sheng puers that are NOT made by
> Menghai Tea Factory or Xiaguan Tea Factory. I have samples of several
> of these in my own collection. Why do you say they are not *real*
> puerh?
There was real Pu'erh long before the factory system came into existence.
I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts on this.
> I guess the first question I must ask in order to understand would be:
> What is your definition of real puerh? Please tell us what makes a
> puerh real in your opinion?
I'd be really interested too, and will find out as I read along the thread
> I do agree that many sheng puerhs are not suitable for aging,
> particularly the ones that have a high percentage of tea buds. They are
> sweeter and meant to be drank right away.
I think this one is most likely still up for grabs Mike, right? Pure bud
Pu'erh is a really new thing. We just can't say yet, can we? Besides, high
percentage and pure bud are quite different. Which is not to contradict.
>> I do agree that Puer is a great tea, but the supply isn't very health,
>> maybe we should wait a while, and during the waiting period, why not
>> put some interest in Green tea? There are too many things to try, and
>> avilability is much better than Puer.
> Evryone has their own favorite teas, while I prefer puerh the most, I
> also like Japanese greens particularly Shincha, other Blacks like Lui
> An, and even some Red teas like a good Dian Hong.
Yup. There's no accounting for taste or pedanticism, to coin a phrase.
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