Hi there John. Thank you for shareing your website. Sorry if we came off a
bit snippy. I understand you were just trying to attract tea lovers to your
site. Just for future reference, if you have something to add to our
convesations, please do so. If you want to put your site in your signature,
go ahead. But only one announcement is nessisary to get our attention. It
was not your ad that raised our hackles, it was the number of ads placed.
"John" > wrote in message
>I am sorry to bother you, we have Pu-er tea, sorry for making ads in
> this group, i sincerely apology to all you guys, if you need some tea,
> give me you address, i can send to you for free.I make my promise.
> Pu-er tea URL: http://www.teahistory.net/shop/sort.asp?sort_id=9