touring europe
JonK wrote:
> When I drive up the central coast of California, I tour the wineries. I
> usually walk away from each winery with at least one bottle (I feel
> obligated, particularly if the tasting is free) and sometimes as much as
> a case.
> What do people do when touring wineries in Europe? How do you bring the
> stuff back? CAN you bring the stuff back? Or is the shipping and duty
> prohibitive?
The last time I visited Europe, I returned with 15 bottles of wine, much
to my wife's consternation (though she doesn't seem disinclined to drink
my ill-gotten gains now). In my 5-10 trips, I've never been charged
duty, despite always declaring all. The biggest problem is simply
carrying the damn stuff, though if you bring a styrofoam shipper as
checked luggage, you can avoid even that problem ;-)
Mark Lipton