I am in Europe every fall and always bring back wines. If it is a 12 bottle
case I put it in a Styrofoam container and ship it as hold baggage. I always
declare when returning to the US, but have never had to pay any duty. When I
only have fewer bottles I put them in my hold baggage wrapped in towels or
shirts that did not have time to get laundered. I have also put up to four
bottles in my carry on bag. I also declare these wines. I have never in the
years I have traveled had a bottle break or have I ever paid duties on the
wine I brought in.
"Hunt" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> says
> ...
>>JonK wrote:
>>> When I drive up the central coast of California, I tour the wineries. I
>>> usually walk away from each winery with at least one bottle (I feel
>>> obligated, particularly if the tasting is free) and sometimes as much as
>>> a case.
>>> What do people do when touring wineries in Europe? How do you bring the
>>> stuff back? CAN you bring the stuff back? Or is the shipping and duty
>>> prohibitive?
>>The last time I visited Europe, I returned with 15 bottles of wine, much
>>to my wife's consternation (though she doesn't seem disinclined to drink
>>my ill-gotten gains now). In my 5-10 trips, I've never been charged
>>duty, despite always declaring all. The biggest problem is simply
>>carrying the damn stuff, though if you bring a styrofoam shipper as
>>checked luggage, you can avoid even that problem ;-)
>>Mark Lipton
> Mark,
> Question: have you checked wine as luggage recently? I used to do just
> what
> you describe with two styro-shippers, some filament tape, and heavy
> straps.
> I'd even put extra tape in the case, should a baggage person *need* to
> check
> out the contents. This was always within US, usually from CA to CO, or AZ.
> I
> haven't done this since ~ '01. When in Europe/UK, I'm usually only taking
> back
> a few btls of Port, so it hasn't been a big deal. I'm just curious as to
> how
> things work now, especially with flights originating in Europe, bound for
> US.
> Curious,
> Hunt