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sarah bennett
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Default obnoxious kids in public: part deux

Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> Julia Altshuler > wrote:
>>(babies will fuss and cry at times) and how much can be (even babies
>>learn quickly not to fuss and cry when they know they'll be removed if
>>they do).

> You and I have butted heads over the little ones before. I guess it's
> time again. Babies don't learn behavior patterns. They are busy
> learning much more basic stuff. It's the job of the parents to
> recognize when the baby is losing it, and to take action (like removal).
> I'm guessing that you've never had babies. They don't work like that.

or when you have a three year old like mine, who wallops you with a
punch, and then giggles and asks if you are angry. Babies and kids freak
out. I'm not abouty to inflict that on those who have chosen to be free
of such obligations



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is another theory which states that this has already happened."
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