On-line Chat with HeartDoc (12/08/05)
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD schrieb:
> Thorsten Schier wrote:
>>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD schrieb:
>>>"Bob (this one)" wrote:
> <snip>
>>>>Parallels between other living
>>>>creatures and humans regarding diet are too weak to survive scrutiny.
>>>>>Actually, the parallels are strong enough to validate the application of
>>>animals studies to humans.
>>Then you should take notice of the studies showing that fructose (part
>>of table sugar) causes insulin resistance and diabetes in rats. And rats
>>are a much better model of humans than cows are when it comes to
>>nutrition, because like humans they are omnivores. Seems like it is
>>quite important what one eats, after all.
> "A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool's eyes wander to the
> ends of the earth."
Or even beyond the ends of the earth. While the wise seeks wisdom out of
knowledge, the fool wanders in the reign of believe.