levelwave wrote:
> I chose to forgo 'searing' and just decided to stuff the tenderloin
> with cornbread dressing, wrap in bacon and pop in the oven @ 350 for 1
> hour and 15 minutes... turned out un-freakin-belieable. Simply cut both
> tenderloins length-wise to open flat... season both sides with lots of
> salt, pepper and oregano, stuff one open tenderloin with dressing
> forming dressing into a round mold with your hands, then lay the other
> tenderloin on top and tie with butchers yarn. Then just wrap in bacon
> using toothpics to secure.
> Here's the final result
> http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56...e/CIMG2434.jpg
> http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56...e/CIMG2441.jpg
> ~john
It looks fantastic. I'll serve that next time we have company. Is
that just bread stuffing inside? Thanks...Sharon