In article >,
Damsel in dis Dress > wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 22:13:16 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >I've been up to me arse in egg noodle dough since Sunday. I want to use
> >my cottage cheese pirohy filling (dry cottage cheese, onion, dill weed,
> >maybe some sour cream, maybe an egg -- depends on) with wide strips of
> >thin dough in one way or another -- either layered, similar to lasagne
> >(and don't even think about calling this a pierogi casserole, ok? Just
> >DON'T)
> I would never dream of it! This is a pierogi hotdish, of course!
> Carol
<Barb slaps Damsel silly with some cooked pasta patches, then drizzled
butter and onions over her while she's got her back turned.> Uh-uh.
NOT hotdish. No cream of anything involved, Toots. And no potato chips
or chow mein noodles, neither! Hah on you!
--, updated 11-28-05 - Sam I Am! and Hello