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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
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Default On-line Chat with HeartDoc (12/08/05)

> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > Matthew 4:5,6,7

> #1 Jesus? It's not really JESUS you're quoting here, is it. You're
> quoting 'Matthew". "Matthew" telling the story of how Jesus went into
> the desert ALONE, and had a chat with the magical supernatural debil.
> "Matthew" Chapter 4 1
> Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted
> by the Devil.
> 2 And after He had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, He was hungry.
> 3 Then THE TEMPTER approached Him and SAID, "If You are the Son of God,
> tell these stones to become bread."
> 4 But HE ANSWERED, "It is written: Man must not live on bread alone,
> but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
> 5 Then THE DEVIL took Him to the holy city, had Him stand on the
> pinnacle of the temple,
> 6 and SAID to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For
> it is written: He will give His angels orders concerning you, and,
> they will support you with their hands, so that you will not strike
> your foot against a stone. "
> 7 JESUS TOLD HIM, "It is also written: You must not tempt the Lord your
> God."
> . . . etc. etc.
> Let me get this right. Jesus goes to the desert ... alone. And
> "Matthew" reports Jesus' chat with the debil . . . word for word. Is
> that your theory?
> I'm just wondering, how do you imagine "Matthew" was able to quote the
> debil and Jesus here? Was "Matthew" there - with Jesus ALONE in the
> desert - do you imagine? Were they alone together?
> On what grounds do you distinguish this story from other impossible
> ancient legends?
> -----------------------
> #2 Do you know the first ancient Christian to mention the Gospel of
> "Matthew"? Or the year, roughly, when "Matthew" was first mentioned?
> -------------------------
> #3 Are you aware there is no evidence the G of "Matthew" was known to
> the early Fathers? His gospel is not mentioned, not cited, not quoted,
> by Ignatius, Polycarp, 1 Clement, Marcion, or Justin?
> On what EVIDENCE do you believe the gospel of "Matthew" existed before
> the middle of the second century?

All asked and answered a few months back:

Would be more than happy to "glow" and chat about this and other things
like cardiology, diabetes and nutrition that interest those following
this thread here during the next on-line chat (12/08/05):

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for
how the LORD has reshaped me:

In Christ's love always,
