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Default Fill in the (pork) blanks

Doug Kanter wrote:
> I have some gorgeous fennel that I've obsessively protected from frost in
> the garden until now. I have fresh carrots, still in the ground. I want to
> BBQ a rolled up pork thing with these vegetables inside, since they're both
> a sweet kind of flavor. But, something else needs to go in there (besides a
> little garlic & onions). I'll entertain any and all suggestions, except
> Sheldon's.

I'd give you an opinion, but I'm of the mind-set that pork needs no
adornment (expect a little salt and pepper--maybe).

Most flavorings were used originally to cover up bad or rotten meat.
Given the current state of the art in sanitation and cleanliness,
there's really no need to add anything to many foods. Just enjoy the
natural flavor of whatever you're eating!