"sleurB kciN" > wrote in message
> Lew Bryson > wrote:
>>> When? Where? I'm off to Munich Thursday.
> Ich bin verbluefft. *Nichts* mir gesagt?!?
Dude, HOW could I gesagt anything when I didn't even know you were there?
I've been dropped from the loop. I gotta go open my wrists.
>> Munich, I get in Sunday morning. Press trip with the Bavarian Tourism
>> Ministry. E-mail me, tell me where you'll be Sunday and Monday evening,
>> eh?
> Hure. Schlampe. I'll be keeping an eye on youse.
I'll just bet.
Lew Bryson
Their clothes are weird, their music sucks and they drink
malternatives. And now you tell me they probably don't think Sierra
Nevada is cool? This is what the passage of years does to you: It
makes everyone around you more stupid. -- Michael Stewart 6/24/02