Feeding the masses... (party food)
In article >,
Stan Horwitz > wrote:
> In article >,
> OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote:
> > Okay, I thought I'd see if anyone was interested in disussing party
> > foods. Foods to feed a large crowd that are simple, quick and, most
> > important, inexpensive.
> >
> > Baked potato or yam fries
> > Popcorn
> > Buffalo wings
> > Spagetti
> > Pasta salad
> This depends. Are you talking about a lunch, dinner, cocktail party?
> Buffet or sit down service?
Large party/gathering, or a small group of freinds.
I've been at events that were feeding 500 people where everyone brought
potluck to feed 20 people each.
SCA events often cater to 50 to 150 people.
Large pots of stew or spagetti are often served there.
I went to one that was making a beef stew for about 75
people. Commercial rolls on the side. I got bored and volunteered to
help make dinner.
They liked that. <G>
I've had private parties with 6 to 12 buddies to play RPG's.
The idea is cheap and yummy. :-)
> One thing to consider for a party is sticking to a theme such as
> Italian, Portuguese, Mexican, Chinese, or French for the food.
Why not mix it up?
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson