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Default Comfort food, of a sort

In article >,
"Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan" > wrote:

> serene > looking for trouble wrote in
> :
> > So James and I were locked out of our house in the bitter cold for
> > seven hours. It was not a fun evening.
> >
> > Cooking helps my mood, and I figured it would also warm up the house
> > and me, too. But I have no onions, and it's hard to cook when you're
> > me and there are no onions. So I went hunting for something with
> > onions already in it, and found two boxes of chicken chili. I sliced
> > black olives and mixed them in with the chili, and put that mixture in
> > a buttered casserole dish. Topped it with some polenta I made (added
> > chili powder, goat cheese, and butter to the polenta). Baked it for a
> > half hour. Very, very yummy. I feel a lot better now. (Partly because
> > I cried on my partners, partly because I'm warming up, partly because
> > I cooked, and partly because I'm finally in my ****ing house.)
> >
> > serene

> I'm sorry you had such a miserable evening although you dinner sounds
> interesting. I have to ask; what was with the lock out? And 7 hours? I
> would have just broken a window out, not caring the alarm would go off and
> the police would be here in seconds.
> Michael

y'all need to hide a spare key. ;-)


"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson