OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> Now there is a novel idea! :-)
> I've not made sushi rolls in ages...
> I do have Nori and a mat, but I'd have to get the sticky rice.....
The other nice thing about sushi is that you can make it as colorful as you
like, shredded beets, edible flowers, carrots, avocado, they all make it very
colorful and pretty
>> at a separate table I had a giant cheese platter with 5 kinds of cheese,
>> bread, crackers, olives, jam, peppers, and spiced nuts.
> Cheese platters are always a good idea, especially if you add some fruit
> like lemon treated apple slices (lemon keeps them from turning brown)
> and chunks of canned pineapple. But THAT is not inexpensive! <lol>
Throw in some sliced apricots and asian pear, they compliment a good range of
cheeses. Sadly, a good cheese plate is never cheap, but well worth it.