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Default Kids and drinking

>j*ni wrote:
>> (PENMART01) said:
>> > Sylvia writes:

>> > >Wyoming has a horrible problem with drunk driving deaths

>> > Well they must be running off the road into a ditch or a boulder... I've
>> > driven across Wyoming many a time and never saw another car in either
>> > direction.

>> Heh! Sheldon, you reminded me of my one driving trip across the
>> U.S. (from Central PA to Western WA), back in 1989. I was rather
>> disappointed with Wyoming -- we saw almost no cars or houses
>> and I didn't get to see a tumblin' tumbleweed. Maybe it was the
>> route we took (I-80, IIRC)...

I don't think there are any tumbleweeds in Wyoming, try Texas.

Wyoming is a huge state, a long way across... can drive all day and still not
be into the next state, and Wyoming's population per sq mi. is the lowest in
the lower 48. Unless you're near Yellowstone or the Grand Tetons (even during
tourist season there aren't anything approching traffic jams except within the
parks) you're not going to encounter much traffic, if any, anywhere else except
for within the major cities. As low as it is Wyoming's bison population is
probably higher than for people... so maybe those were drunken bison hurtling
down the interstate....

Information Please Almanac:
Today's Question:

What is the least populous state in the United States?

The Answer:

According to national census figures, Wyoming is the least populous state in
the country with an estimated 479,743 residents spread out over more than
97,000 square miles.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."