Kathy in NZ wrote:
> First day of a week off work. What a horrible day I've had.
> First off I was instructed by my daughter to get her tickets for the
> U2
> concert in Auckland or Sydney, which went on sale at 9am today in NZ
> and two
> hours later in Sydney at Sydney time. Three times I got as far as
> "click to
> confirm" the purchase then got dumped out. The result is the tickets
> were
> sold out and I didn't get through the last stage!. So I attempted to
> buy
> tickets to U2 in Sydney. Sold out. Being a dedicated mother, all this
> took
> four hours on the Internet. (Anyone got tickets they want to sell at
> cost
> only? I don't want to pay scalpers prices)
> So I turned my mind to making a Christmas cake, as you do. Something
> constructive out of a wasted first day on holiday. They have just come
> out
> of the oven. I hope they taste good. My recipe makes two cakes. My
> poor
> husband was sent down to the supermarket three times during the making
> of...
> I usually *do* read the recipe first, honest. Guess I was stressed out
> by
> failing to get tickets to U2.
> Now, when they cool, they need immunising with brandy. I have a
> syringe (the
> real thing my doctor-daughter gave me). I have had needle stick
> injuries in
> the past, but since the cake has neither hepatitis nor Aids, and nor
> do I,
> we both seem to survive.
> Hope your days have been better than mine
I hacked a big slice into my left middle finger today, if it makes you
feel any better
"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a
disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice."
-Baruch Spinoza
"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly
what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear
and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There
is another theory which states that this has already happened."
-Douglas Adams