SA Cranberry Lambic: He LIKES it! He LIKES it!
I finished about half of one bottle. Yuck.
"Randal" > wrote in message
> Early last week I picked up the SA Winter Classics or Holiday Sampler
> or whatever it's called.
> My mom taught all us boys that if we didn't like something, we had to
> keep trying it to see if we ever would. So as I harkened back to all
> those years I had to wince and try some sweet potato each Thanksgiving
> I pulled the Cranberry Lambic first from the sampler pack and cracked
> it open. It looked pretty much the same as it always had, sitting in
> that Duvel glass.
> Aroma is of Ocean-spray cranapple and sweetness, with that lingering
> brett-type character ever so slight in the background. Well, I was
> prepared to take my medicine this year. The initial sip and no wince!
> No fruit punch *** Aunt Jemima muddled mess! There was a slight
> tartness from the cranberry juice, the maple flavor blended quite well
> with the malt and didn't stick out. I don't think they did but I would
> almost swear that this is a different base beer this year. Oh, and I
> also love sweet potatoes these days.
> Anyway, it's probably just me - but I actually drank both bottles. I
> still don't think I would like an entire six pack of this stuff but it
> certainly isn't a drain pour.
> Now, as for the Holiday Porter which I thought was great last year
> seems to have a distracting amount of diacetyl this year...
> _Randal