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Default peanut butter cups

Chris and Bob Neidecker wrote:

> "Scott" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Has anyone made these, i.e., sort of like the Reeses's Peanut Butter
>>Cups? I've seen two basic recipe variants. Most commonly, peanut butter
>>is mixed with powdered sugar, 2:1 ratio, for the filling. The other,
>>from a Tyler Florence show, uses a mousse:

> I've made them with the powdered sugar recipe. They're really good.
> Haven't heard of the Tyler Florence method, but sounds like a fun
> experiment...let us know how it goes!
>>Some of the recipes call for adding vegetable shortening to the melted
>>chocolate. How would this effect the shell's texture?

> As previously stated, the shortening adds sheen and smoothness. Makes the
> chocolate a lot easier to work with. Be *really* careful not to get even a
> drop of water into the chocolate mixture, or it will sieze up on you (i.e.
> get clumpy and stiff). If that happens, you can add more shortening and
> keep stirring to try to resolve it.

I wonder if cocoa butter or palm kernal oil might work as well as
shortening? Cocoa butter seems more natural somehow, and would contribute
some flavor as long as you don't buy deodorized cocoa butter.
