Sick and tired of being sick and tired...
"Nexis" > wrote in message
> Ok, going on day 17 of this flu thing. My doc is up in arms because it's
> really screwing with my BG levels, and I'm out of ideas for things to eat
> that don't take any effort. ha ha.
> Made a huge pot of soup, that's been used for both chicken & noodles and
> tortilla, with the last bit of stock used for a spicy wonton soup to try
> to clear my head. Most foods are not the least bit appealing, but I'm
> quickly finding that eating nothing isn't any better.
> This flu thing goes a little like this: In the morning, congestion, both
> chest and sinus. Soon after, nausea and sinus draining. As if all of this
> isn't fun enough, there's round the clock coughing (started last
> Thursday), and fevers ranging from 101 to 105.8*f according to the aural
> thermometer. Aching and chills too, oh joy! So, I'm sure any one of you
> can see how cooking isn't a priority at the moment, yet take out doesn't
> appeal either. My husband cooked for a few days, but now he's got it too.
> Any ideas?? The stomach upset rules out alot of things, but any ideas are
> welcome.
> Yours humbly and with thanks,
> kimberly...considering begging her mom to come to town to take care of her
When I'm in regular grocery stores, I see all the baskets loaded with boxes
upon boxes. Surely there's prepared foods/dinners in them. If you have a
freezer, have your mom choose a dozen or so boxes and put them in the
freezer. Open the freezer door, close your eyes, and choose one for the
day, stick it in the oven; if you're both sick, then one will be enough to
DH and I had the flu twice, once in 1988 and once in 1993. I still remember
it well. It lasted 6 weeks (the last two weeks was better than the first 4
weeks), but nothing we did helped, so make it easy on yourself.
Dee Dee