Sick and tired of being sick and tired...
Nexis wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Nexis" > wrote in message
>>> news:Fiblf.11217$Wu.3229@fed1read05...
>>>> Yours humbly and with thanks,
>>>> kimberly...considering begging her mom to come to town to take care
>>>> of her
>>> You need to get your Mum in!
>> Not always practical... my "mum" is 13 hours away. And she couldn't
>> do much
>> about the flu, either.
>> A few suggestions for Kimberly: Toast. Scramble some eggs. For
>> dinner make mac & cheese, even from a box - easy and comfort food.
>> Take a hot shower and wash your hair; you know you need one even if
>> you don't feel like taking one - you'll feel better and the steam
>> will help your
>> sinuses.
>> Jill
> Heh...spent so much time in hot showers, my skin's drying out! The
> steam helps for a bit, that's true, and we have *good* water pressure
> so it's almost like a massage. I wish we had a bathtub meant for
> people over 3 feet tall....*sigh*
> thanks,
> kimberly
I hate modern bathtubs! I'm only 5'3" and can't even stretch out! Give me
a big old fashioned claw-foot tub any day!
Hope you feel better soon.