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Default Standing Rib Roast YIKES!

"Reg" > wrote in message

> Rub with olive oil, salt and pepper, garlic if you like it.
> Roast bone side down at 325 F (163 C) until 125-130 F internal
> temperature. Let it rest at least 20-30 minutes before carving.

WOW! In my house that would yield Medium-Well beef! Carryover cooking does
more than you may realize.

My last standing rib roast (2 weeks ago) sat 3 hours at room temp, then
rubbed with olive oil, salt, pepper & fresh thyme. I then put into a
preheated 300 degree oven & what the thermometer reads 110 degrees, jack up
the oven to 500 a la Alton Brown, then pulled it out when the internal temp
reached 115 (I *USED* to follow the "rare - medium - well done" guides on
those flat meat thermometers & it ALWAYS was over done for us). I now use a
remote thermometer that does not require opening of the oven door.

After removing from oven, I allow it rest for 20-30 minutes before slicing.
The result is always perfect (for us carnivores!) - consistent Medium-Rare
with a nice crusty outside.

Anyway, that's how it's done at our house. Your mileage or desired doneness
may vary.


Oh yeah - I also used to use Craig Claiborne's high-temperature method,
which was to preheat the over to 550 degrees & roast for 12 minutes (or so)
per rib, for a 3-4 rib roast, then shut the oven OFF without opening the
door (EVER) for 2 hours. It worked ok sometimes, but the low & slow method
has proven more predictable. And that's important to me when these things
can cost $40 - $50 - $60 or more!