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anchovy paste
BTW I remember that "Amati" anchovy paste is a good brand.
"Pandora" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> "notbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
>> On 2005-12-07, Pandora > wrote:
>>> Pheraps the ones that you eat. Not the one that I eat....
>> Well, I should think not. I may have been a little facetious ...if I
>> offended, I apologize....
> Thank you, no problem!
> but I certainly hope there's nothing else in
>> this tube. Is it common practice for Italian companies to defraud the
>> public? I have not in the past operated under this assumption.
> Defraud, in the very meaning , not! But, as you know, just to make an
> example, if you go to the butcher and ask for some minced meat, it's
> better you first buy (choose) the pieces of meat and then you ask the
> butcher to mince it for you!.
> On the other hand, if you go to the butcher and choose a pre-minced meat ,
> it's easy that butcher has put inside much more fat or "bad" meat you
> don't want: in this way, he thinks, the buyer doesn't look!!!
> The same is for anchovy paste: they can put inside other parts of anchovy
> that you would generally trow away, such as anchovies head, etc...
>> All the oil packed anchovies I've tried, both imported and domestic,
>> have been incredibly salty. If you can recommend a less salty oil
>> pack brand, Italian or other, I will definitely make an effort to
>> obtain them.
> There are many and many anchovies brand...
> everytime I go to the supermarket I see a different brand. So I can't
> recoomend one particular.
> But I speak seriously! Try to put them in milk and treat them like were
> bloaters.
> Don't you eat bloaters? You know that bloaters are very salted, so you
> must keep in milk for some hours!
> Cheers
> Pandora
>> nb