Cranberry wine
Ray Calvert wrote "The cranberry flavor is a bit strong for most men but it
seems women to really like it."
Ray - I agree. I made a cranberry wine in 2003 out of grocery store
berries...ended up blending it 50/50 with Sauvignon Blanc. The TA was 0.9 %
so I added about 5% sugar, K sorbate and proper sulfite. My Thanksgiving
crowd is a beer drinking group but I always have a bottle of white and
cranberry open for those soles that can muster up the nerve to drink wine.
This year was a real surprise...Several of the women were seen drinking
cranberry wine. Next day my daughter-in-law came for dinner and
asked..."where is the cranberry wine?"
After a couple of years in the bottle it's a nice wine. Make some now for
next year.
Bill Frazier
Olathe, Kansas USA