Thread: Food and beer
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Default Food and beer

Jim Wild wrote:

> My top 3 are,,,, Ritz crackers topped with sharp cheddar and a splot of
> yellow mustard washed down with Molson Ice or I suspect a good ale like
> SN pale.

You "suspect?" Haven't done it for real then? How about some aged
Chimay cheese with artisanal crackers (never seen the inside of a box,
y'know) washed down with Jewbelation 5766 from Schmaltz Brewing?

> A meaty spicy pizza with Anchor Steam.

Tends to wipe out the flavor of the beer. You're better off with
something that isn't so easily overwhelmed by tomato sauce, spices,
and stuff like pepperoni and Italian sausage. Anchor Steam goes
fine with a lot of things, bit gimme something a bit bolder to
go with a "meaty spicy pizza."

> A thick burger from an Applebees type place with a good ol Sam.

Ho. Ly. Shit. APPPLE****ingBEE's?? You voluntarily set foot in those
places, while claiming to hate "mass produced crap?" There must be a
really different concept of "mass produced crap" on your planet. Do you
realize that every second spent in Applebee's is time you'll never get
back in your life?

> My question for you is,,,,,,, Your secret discoveries. Any food~beer
> matches that stick out in your mind?

Sure, but I don't want to scare you too much.

> Please, no Budweiser~corn chip connections. Just real beer.

Yeah, 'cause Molson-Ritz cracker connections are just so gour-met.
You bet.

Okay, you talked me into it:

Mussels cooked in lambic sauce with fries accompanied by Drie Fonteinen
Oude Kriek

Belgian black sausage and "stoemp" accompanied by Girardin Black Label

A hearty platter of Zwetschgenbames served with with the house Keller-
bier at the Winkler brewery in Melkendorf, Germany

A Tafelspitz lunch accompanied by Staropramen at Beim Czaak in Vienna,

But before I ramble on forever... Enjoy the burger at Applebee's.