Thread: Food and beer
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Default Food and beer

"dgs" > wrote in message
> Jim Wild wrote:
>> My top 3 are,,,, Ritz crackers topped with sharp cheddar and a splot of
>> yellow mustard washed down with Molson Ice or I suspect a good ale like
>> SN pale.

> You "suspect?" Haven't done it for real then? How about some aged
> Chimay cheese with artisanal crackers (never seen the inside of a box,
> y'know) washed down with Jewbelation 5766 from Schmaltz Brewing?
>> A meaty spicy pizza with Anchor Steam.

> Tends to wipe out the flavor of the beer. You're better off with
> something that isn't so easily overwhelmed by tomato sauce, spices,
> and stuff like pepperoni and Italian sausage. Anchor Steam goes
> fine with a lot of things, bit gimme something a bit bolder to
> go with a "meaty spicy pizza."
>> A thick burger from an Applebees type place with a good ol Sam.

> Ho. Ly. Shit. APPPLE****ingBEE's?? You voluntarily set foot in those
> places, while claiming to hate "mass produced crap?" There must be a
> really different concept of "mass produced crap" on your planet. Do you
> realize that every second spent in Applebee's is time you'll never get
> back in your life?
>> My question for you is,,,,,,, Your secret discoveries. Any food~beer
>> matches that stick out in your mind?

> Sure, but I don't want to scare you too much.
>> Please, no Budweiser~corn chip connections. Just real beer.

> Yeah, 'cause Molson-Ritz cracker connections are just so gour-met.
> You bet.
> Okay, you talked me into it:
> Mussels cooked in lambic sauce with fries accompanied by Drie Fonteinen
> Oude Kriek
> Belgian black sausage and "stoemp" accompanied by Girardin Black Label
> Gueuze
> A hearty platter of Zwetschgenbames served with with the house Keller-
> bier at the Winkler brewery in Melkendorf, Germany
> A Tafelspitz lunch accompanied by Staropramen at Beim Czaak in Vienna,
> Austria
> But before I ramble on forever... Enjoy the burger at Applebee's.
> Boo-yah!
> --

I agree with your taste dgs, but that doesn't mean that we have to be snobs!
To each his own! Maybe Jim will start experimenting and expand his