Thread: Food and beer
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Default Food and beer

dgs wrote:
> .... Do you
> realize that every second spent in Applebee's is time you'll never get
> back in your life?

Which "casual family restuarant" chain is it that gives you back the
time you've spend there? I suppose it works like this- you go in at
11:45 am, wait for a table, wait for a beer, wait to order, wait for
another beer, try not to get annoyed at the cluster of waitresses [or is
it the varsity cheerleading squad?] giggling in the corner ignoring the
customers, get food, push it around the plate and think "I can't believe
they serve people this crap and are still in business...", wait for the
check, pay, walk out past the cheerleaders saying "Thanks for coming!"
and IT'S 11:45 AM.

I guess it's a chain, but if it's a "mom & pop", I hope it's near where
I live. Is there a chain where you get the time and MONEY back? Any
that take care of that heavy, slightly sickly feeling one gets after
eating the "food"?