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Default Starter Question

On 8 Dec 2005 08:33:31 -0800, "hutchndi" >

> Kenneth, could you explain that? That would be great, I totally dont
>see how to work that out, are you keeping a tiny starter at room temp?
>It wont use it all up in a few hours?


I'm not sure just what information you need but this may

There is less food in the smaller amount I suggest, but
there are fewer critters. They will eat the food in the same
period of time. If it takes 12 hours for the food to be
depleted when you have a cup of starter, it will take 12
hours for a teaspoon of starter to become depleted (or for a
tanker truck's worth for that matter).

I hope that this gives you the information that you need.

All the best,

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