Starter Question
On 8 Dec 2005 11:11:37 -0800, "hutchndi" >
>Kenneth wrote:
>"There is less food in the smaller amount I suggest, but
>there are fewer critters. They will eat the food in the same
>period of time. If it takes 12 hours for the food to be
>depleted when you have a cup of starter, it will take 12
>hours for a teaspoon of starter to become depleted (or for a
>tanker truck's worth for that matter). "
>So I have read here that some people like to keep small marble sized
>amounts of starter in plastic spice jars in the fridge, I assumed this
>was possible because of the cold. I can keep such a small amount going
>at room temp also? I guess also that you have to keep a very minute
>portion of yesterdays batch for daily refreshments.This I will have to
>experiment with...
Hi again,
A marble-sized piece of firm starter will keep longer if
refrigerated just as would a hundred pound piece at the same
The point is that the amount of starter really doesn't
All the best,
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