"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Wed 07 Dec 2005 10:33:02p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it Dee
> Randall?
>> "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>> .. .
>>> "bd" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>>i was hoping to get some help on buying a coffee maker. i'm new to
>>>>coffee but really like a decent cup of black coffee. being new to
>>>>coffee, i haven't been to starbucks, so not sure if i like the fru fru
>>>>stuff, but don't want to discard it either. i'd like something small
>>>>as i have very little counter space. any recommendations? thanks for
>>> Are you looking for a one/two cup maker or something for a big family?
>>> My wife likes to use a French press. She steeps it for four minutes.
>>> She also has a Starbucks machine, but does not think the coffee is hot
>>> enough. Me? I drink tea. Much more pleasant and refreshing.
>>> --
>>> Ed
>>> http://pages.cthome.net/edhome/
>> A week ago tonight I got so sick and the next morning upchucked my
>> coffee. I've been on tea since. It wasn't hard because I was feeling so
>> puny and had lots of tea 'in the larder.' I've been taking Prilosec for
>> GERD for quite a long time, but with some digestive enzymes and tea,
>> I've been off the Prilosec 6 days; sure hope I stay off the coffee. I
>> did it once for a year. Coffee is really addictive to me. DH is
>> helping -- we've put away the coffee pot. Mind you, I did not say that
>> we've thrown out the coffee pot.
>> Dee Dee
> Dee, I once went through a 10 years period when I couldn't drink coffee at
> all in any form. I began buying tea from McNulty's in NYC Greenwich
> Village. They have amazing teas that should keep your interests away from
> the bean. My favorite was a decaf Earl Grey that I still order. I drink
> it both hot and iced.
> Browse their site and order a catalog. They don't do online sales, but
> they are very reliable.
> http://mcnultys.com/
> --
> Wayne Boatwright *¿*
I'll take your recommendation. Thank you. I will order their catalog. I'm
an adventureous tea drinker.
I'm still hanging in there without Prilosec - I feel what it must feel like
to be in AA. One day at a time.
I'm sorry that you had such a long time without coffee. It's one of those
joys in life that shouldn't be denied anyone. But most of all, I'm glad you
got better. It must've been hell at times.
Dee Dee