"michele" > wrote in message
>I agree with Randall that the French press is the way to go, but after
> researching electric coffee makers myself (coffeegeek.com among other
> places), I bought a Technivorm. I chose the KB-741 (no hot plate) and
> have been very pleased. It is a beautifully simple machine. We use this
> most days just because it's faster. The coffee is very consistent and
> brewing is fast. We have our coffee ground fine (espresso grind), and
> use the unbleached paper filters. A gold filter will work as well, if
> your coffee is ground slightly coarser...
> Here is a link to the site I purchased from (no affiliation of course):
> http://www.sweetmarias.com/prod.technivorm.shtml
> Michele
I'm drooling. That is one helluva site! I don't know how you found it. It
is a U.S. site? I didn't get that far go to check-out. I'm in limbo re
coffee for a while, but that doesn't stop my interest.
Dee Dee