Affects on Animal evolution caused by Humans
****wit David Harrison lied:
> On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 07:56:53 GMT, "Dutch" > wrote:
> >
> >****wit David Harrison lied:
> >> On Sun, 27 Nov 2005 , Leif Erikson wrote:
> >>
> >>>is it important to you to try to promote
> >>>better conditions for them? If your answer is yes,
> >>>then you are morally obligated to inform yourself about
> >>>animal husbandry practices, and choose to consume only
> >>>those products coming from animals raised and
> >>>slaughtered in humane conditions.
> >>>
> >>>Your choice is a *false* choice, ****WIT.
> >>
> >> No. It's the life they get or no life at all, not the
> >> life they get or a "better" life, regardless of what people
> >> decide to buy.
> >
> >You're equivocating between livestock *in general*, consumer impact *in
> >general* and the effect on specific animals. It's more clear now than it
> >ever was that your logic is bad, and it always has been very clear.
> You're just too stupid to understand that it's the life they get or no life
Repeating your nonsense won't make it become sensible, ****wit.
Your choice is a false choice, ****wit, and now you're compounding your
stupid ****wittery by equivocating between individual animals and
specific ones. No one is fooled.