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Default Food Origin? (was Home made Italian Dressing)

Steve & Chris Clark wrote:
> Anyone have a good home made Italian Dressing?
> My husband loves the Kraft version and I buy the fat free one.....
> anyone have a good recipe (not fat free)....
> it's the spice combo that's great!
> Thanks
> Chris

I don't have a recipe, so forgive me for butting in here. Not to
distract from your question (which is why I changed the subject line),
but I'm wondering is Italian Dressing actually Italian?

I've never been to Italy, but I have been to Monaco, which is right next
door and culinarily speaking, borrows a lot from Italy. I've never seen
Italian Dressing served there. Salads were usually just oil and vinegar.

Anyone know if this type of dressing actually originates in Italy, or is
it really from somewhere else?