On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 19:54:07 -0400, travis
> shared the following:
>On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 23:40:01 GMT, Richard Periut
> shared the following:
>>It's like people who decide to wear tattoos; they are shouting, "hey,
>>look at me, I'm important, I belong to something, I can identify with
>>something in my little pathetic life."
>I have 5 tattoos. I guess I'm a real loser. heh heh
>*gazes at HUGE tv in front of him, hold's gorgeous wife's hand in
>beautiful house surrounded by four children, contemplates retirement
>at age 40, sips delicious drink*
>Yep. If only I hadn't gotten those tattoos. I think you've got it
>wrong, dude. Nevery stereotype. It will wind up making you sound
>silly. *grin*
And also "never" tell someone to "nevery" stereotype or it will make
you sound sillier than they do... HAHAHA! :-P
/going to bed early tonight ;-)
'63 VW Camo Baja...
Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled.