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Default Kids and drinking

"j*ni p." wrote:

> Hark! I heard Gary > say:
> > j*ni wrote:
> > > Hark! I heard (PENMART01) say:
> > > > Sylvia writes:

> > > > >Wyoming has a horrible problem with drunk driving deaths

> > > > Well they must be running off the road into a ditch or a boulder... I've
> > > > driven across Wyoming many a time and never saw another car in either
> > > > direction.

> > > Heh! Sheldon, you reminded me of my one driving trip across the
> > > U.S. (from Central PA to Western WA), back in 1989. I was rather
> > > disappointed with Wyoming -- we saw almost no cars or houses
> > > and I didn't get to see a tumblin' tumbleweed. Maybe it was the
> > > route we took (I-80, IIRC)...

> > Be glad you don't have to deal with !@#$%^& tumble weeds! They are a real pain
> > (literally)! I have to deal with them all the time, and I have learned to hate
> > them.

> Really? What's the problem? Remember, I've never actually seen one...
> --
> j*ni p. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~
> heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!

They are prickly and you must handle them carefully or wear gloves. Since they are
so "loose knit", it's hard to burn them; they go up in a flash but don't leave any
coals to keep the fire going. They get firmly lodged (with lots of wind, which we
have here, too) under anything they can, even places you wouldn't think they could
(cars, mobile homes, etc.). Horses won't eat them, even when they are still green.
Trying to use a weed eater on them is almost impossible; they are so tough that they
use up line faster than they are destroyed. They clog up farm fences, too. They are
just a major nuisance.

But, this past summer, I found a novel way to deal with them. It was part of my job
to round them up and put them into the dumpster, so, I make a long "stringer" (like
for fish), with a long spike on one end and a piece of wood tied across the other
end of a rope. I would run it through them and make a giant "string of pearls", then
drag it into our large dumpster, untie the piece of wood, then pull the rope out.

BTW, tumble weeds tumble in order to spread their seeds.


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