Thread: Peppermint oil
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Default Peppermint oil

notbob wrote:
> On 2005-12-12, Scott > wrote:
>> aromatherapy oil, which I have found). Any recommendations for
>> brands, or places to look (NY metro area)?

> You might try an old fashioned drug store. I don't know about today's
> mega-chains, but as kids we'd go down to the Rexall and buy cinnamon
> oil to make cinnamon toothpicks. They usually had half a dozen
> flavor oils including a couple mints. We have nothing like the old
> Rexall here anymore, WallyWorld having killed 'em all off, but I bet
> NY has some old holdouts somewhere.
> nb

I miss those old fashioned drug stores. I miss family-owned hardware
stores, too, which have mostly been driven to extinction by Home Depot and

Scott, try to find a place that sells cake & candy supplies as Melba's
Jammin' suggested. I am certain it was the alcohol content in the extract
that caused the "harshness" you described.
