Thread: Peppermint oil
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Default Peppermint oil

Scott wrote:
> I have a recipe for mint chocolate chip ice cream that calls for
> peppermint oil. Since I hadn't been able to find it, I substituted
> McCormick peppermint extract (doubling the quantity used, as per some
> substitution guides I came across).
> I found that the extract had a harshness to it--I don't know if it was
> the brand, or in using an extract (dissolved in alcohol) rather than the
> oil.
> I'd like to find a good food-quality peppermint oil (as opposed to
> aromatherapy oil, which I have found). Any recommendations for brands,
> or places to look (NY metro area)? I need it by about mid-week, so mail
> order is probably out (I don't know that I want to overnight it).
> --
> to respond (OT only), change "spamless.invalid" to ""
> <>

Pure peppermint oil is sold as antispasmodic capsules from any
pharmacy. The capsules provide a handy way to store it long term.
Should be no problem gtting it once you know what to buy.