"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Chipper" > wrote:
>> BTW folks, thank you for the peanutbrittle help!
> Talk's cheap. Did you make it? Whose recipe did you use? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
> --
> http://www.jamlady.eboard.com, updated 12-11-05 - Good Food, Good Friends
Oooooo, my back, my back! (groan groan). Oops, Damsel already used that
Well see, I just had surgery on my ingrown toenail to have the root
removed. Today after church I took my sneaker off and flopped on the couch
in front of the tree, turned on the lights and sipped eggnog whilst
listening to carols and fell asleep. Later after War of the Worlds and
Polar Express, I really, really went to bed, and just now surfaced. My toe
isn't throbbing anymore, but I can't make the brittle till I have some
coffee and the sun comes up and I get the floor mopped other chores done.
Unlike that creepy Howdy Doody, (or was that Howdy Duty?), I usually put off
till tomorrow what I could do today. I never liked him, his head turned one
way and his eyeballs the other...kinda like people who've sipped a little
too much wine.
As to which recipe, I'm leaning toward using yours for macadamia nut brittle
and Kookie Aunt Ruthie's for the peanut brittle. K? But who knows, I might
change my mind and make Mock Peanut Brittle with Ritz crackers.....I'll keep
you posted.
Pesky little thang, ain't cha?