eNo wrote:
> "jcoulter" > wrote in message
> .. .
>> "eNo" > wrote in news:BHonf.7$dV2.3@dfw-
>> service2.ext.ray.com:
>>> http://forums.winespec
>> read the reports, nothing to write home about it sems, I am not
>> likely to go $14 for Pinot from unknown sources when I can buy 2003
>> Marsannay from Louis Latour for $12.
> I'm with you. I really don't understand why Costco/Kirkland feels the
> need to bottle their own wines
I don't know what Costco does, and can't be sure I'm right, but I doubt if
they bottle anything. My guess is that the stuff is bottled for them at the
winery, and all Costco does is supply the labels.
Ken Blake
Please reply to the newsgroup
> when they can't beat wines from
> bonafide wine-makers -- some of which they carry -- on price point.
> And that label... it's hideous, ain't it? As for unknown sources, if
> you read through the links, they are anything but. People have been
> able to identify where these wines originate.