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Posted to rec.crafts.winemaking
Charles E
Posts: n/a
Default Why Is The Airlock Moving??? - Mystery Solved

Since this is apple wine, I have been hyper-sensative about exposure
to air throughout the process. I've religiously purged all carboys
with Argon and made sure sulfite levels stay on the mark. Perhaps I
went a little too far ;-) Would your method below cause the delicate
apple wine to oxidize noticably?

Either way, I'm happy to hear than bottling with some residual CO2
will not cause the cork to pop. I actually recall drinking a Muscato
de Oro' from Robert Mondavi several years ago that tasted like you
described and I actually liked it. I may go ahead and bottle.

Thanks again for the great advice!


On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 15:56:00 GMT, "Ray Calvert"
> wrote:

>You can bottle with the dissolved CO2. Some people like it that way. It is
>what is called Piquant. The CO2 give a prickling to the tongue as you drink
>it, almost like bubbles. I do not like it but that is me. There are
>various methods of degassing if you want to get it over with. The most
>common is to rack to a primary bucket and stir the heck out of it for 3 min.
>Let it rest for 3 min. Repeat about 3 times. Put it back in primary and
>check it after a week. It will probably be fine. If not repeat and bottle.
>"Charles E" > wrote in message
>> Referring back to the "Why is the airlock moving???" post from a
>> couple weeks ago, I promised an answer to the group. We spun down a
>> sample of my apple wine on a cenrifuge and inspected under a
>> microscope at 1000X. We found some solid particulates but no evidence
>> of biological activity of any kind (yeast or bacteria). My airlocks
>> are still moving slowly (1 bubble ever 15 minutes or so) so I suppose
>> I'll have to assume it's CO2 gas. I wonder how much longer this will
>> go on. I wonder if i's safe to bottle with slight residual CO2 trapped
>> in suspension. Either way I'm sleeping easier knowing there's no
>> microbial toga party going on in the wine :-)
>> Thanks to the group for your valuable input. I'm learning so much more
>> from you guys than I ever would have without the benefit of this news
>> group.
>> Cheers!
>> Charles
