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Daniel J. Morlan
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Default Question for the long-time tea experts...

The BRAND is I don't know where they get their stuff.
I've been reasonably satisfied with their prices, and the quality of their
product, so that's what I buy. Caffeine is a no-no with my diet right now,
so I can't have any, even in teach, which makes my selection much more
limited. I like how it tastes, really, but to see so many stems in the
stuff makes me wonder if I were somehow being cheated.

The tea itself tastes fine, and I do like it. I just thought perhaps I was
getting skiffed...


"kuri" > wrote in message
> "Daniel J. Morlan" > wrote in message
>> Firstly... My favorite, ultimately always-drank tea is Sencha Green.

> That's a brand ?
>> The tea leaves I see have a *LOT* of stems in the mixture.

> Sencha is only the leaves, normally.
>> I mean a *LOT*.
>> I do not think there's a lot of flavor to be had in the stems,

> The stems do have lots of flavor. They are sold separately as kukicha
> (stem
> tea). The flavor is different. There are people that prefer it to that of
> leaves, some that like both so they drink blends (what you have
> obviously).
> The price...well, usually at the same quality, the stems or the blend
> stems+
> leaves should be cheaper than the leaves. But good stems can cost more
> than
> bad leaves...
>> My next question would be: Do they make a stem free loose leaf tea,

> Yes.
>> furthermore, do they do it decaf?

> No idea. I have heard that the stems contained less cafeine than the
> leaves.
> But how much less ?
> Kuri