Self-crusting quiche?
>> My feelings precisely. I like the title of these things, however,
>> because it is *impossible* to make a real quiche with this method. As a
>> product, I like Bisquick, and also use it for drop dumplings, biscuits,
>> shortcake, etc., just not for a contrived lazy-man's quiche.
> Wayne, DH turned his nose up at the quiche made ala impossible style as
> did the kids. Picky little buggers sometimes! Honestly, bisquick is
> great for some things but these impossible pies just didn't cut it for us.
> I've never tried the shortcake - was it ok?
I really like bisquick pancakes and waffles. The short cake seemed really
dry. I do make drop biscuits and dumplings using Bisquick too. Anything
else I've made with Bisquick has been a bust.